Wednesday, December 31, 2008
10.16pm on 31st
Going for Countdown Firework soon.
2008 is over in 2hours time! Wooohooo!!!
31st December gives me a weird feeling! It has been a rollercoaster year for me. Glad that it ended well. =) Team year end trip and Standard Chartered Marathon completed the year for me.
No resolutions this year. Just like every other year.
Just grateful that I have my close friends by my side, supporting me all these while. Thanks Jackie.
Thanks to the team for being there all the time. Team feels just like my second family man.. =)
Hope to spark my climbing once again in this coming new year!~ Got to stay focus. On everything that I want. =)
To everyone whom I know, may you have a Fantastic and smooth sailing 2009. =)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Spree Frenzy
I have this fetish for shirts these days man..... Especially those fitting kind. Goes well with jeans as well as pants. Smart casual kind of look.
Went River Island. Tried a shirt. Nice brown shirt with several pockets... Very nice
Went Domanchi. Tried another shirt. Nice white collar reddish pink shirt. Very nice
Went G2000. Tried yet another shirt. Nice Mandarin collar shirt. Very nice....
Went Dockers. And still... i tried another shirt. Checkered short sleeves shirt. Casual. Very nice too!
Oh MAn... And I have eyes for them all..... help... aAww.
And to top it off... I went TM before going home after walking around city. And I met this nice DOCKERS sling bag.... It is something different from what I usually carry. Erm... less sporty. Wanderer duffel kind of bag.....
$90. Thank you. I am so going to reward myself....
I am currently looking for non shirt top, berms and a pair of nice casual shoes... and OPINIONS.
Dilemma and broke (soon to be)
Tea, Coffee and Popeye's
Moving on.....
We (most of us) played MJ. Haven played since long long time ago.
We (most of us) went East Coast Park to relac one corner. Old Town didn't have nice tea. So I chose Kopi-o instead.
Then we had random photo taking sessions along the beach. I kind of like these 3 photos.....

oh... It is "WE (MOST OF US)" cos Mr Chan De Hunk is always missing. =) Hope you did well.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
All I want for Christmas...
Had a gathering at Charl's place. Great food and great company. I liked my attire that day. hAha. Nice to see everyone neat and tidy after the trip. And we missed the countdown by 30secs.
After the party, Santa finished his mission.
25th was a furniture shopping day with mum followed by last min Twilight day. I enjoyed the day thoroughly. Movie was good. Company was good. Edward Cullen is scary in a attractive way. The pale skin coupled with the thick eyebrows and the golden eyes. Nice.
I thought the ending of the show was good. The dancing part. Ask me for the song. I will send it to you.
After movie, it was You Tiao at Selegie. Everytime I go there, it rains. Everytime I go there, I have different feeling. Then, decided to walk to cityhall to catch the train home. I like it when the surrounding is quiet. Very calm. Very nice setting to talk and relax. The pace is slow but not too draggy.
This was how I spent my 25th Dec 2008. Strange but not too bad. Alot of things took place in a flash. I was glad that it happened thou. Although, I wish some of the moments could remain still and stay there forever. I wish I could undo some moments. Like rewind, change it and then play it again. But I cant. I will leave that for another post another day perhaps. =)
Two consolation for the Christmas season.
1. Twilight.
2. My Oakleys finally arrived.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Late night rantings
Bee stings and Ropeburns.
Give me some time to gather my thoughts for this trip.
Alot of exciting photos coming up.
Alot of things to say.
Alot of things I want to say.
Great trip. Great feeling.
Stay tuned
Monday, December 8, 2008
42.195 (II)
- Power gel is really powerful stuff. Like TOTALLY (though it tastes abit crappy)
- Not trying to be arrogant and not that I have super good timing. Neither am I a pro runner nor am I super fit but the marathon was not as tough as I imagined and feared it would be. (As in I have heard alot from my friends regarding how tough it was. Maybe it was because I feel that I had more traumatising experience as compared to this, for example JCC in Brunei. And also maybe beacuse I had Yixiang there to push each other on. It was mentally challenging)
- 28km is the longest distance I have ever run continously in my entire life. Amazing stuff.
- Do not underestimate the human spirit. ( you can really feel the human will during the race. The will to finish the race leads to individuals pushing their limits. Seriously, I respect those uncles and those who belong to the bigger size category. It was hard for me, and I bet it was WAAAAAAY tougher for them.)
- Having someone to run with you is indeed a powerful factor. First you won't get bored. Second you can push each other along. Third you build stronger friendship.
- I think couples running a marathon and finishing the 42km together is TOTALLY sweet stuff. one day........
Glad that I joined this race. At least it made my December holiday more eventful. And this is something that I am proud of. Pushing my own limit and finishing the 42km. Ah......... you just got to run it to know how come I am writing so much on it. seriously. In fact, I have alot more to write. But it is just hard to pen it down.
Here's a couple of photos.
Super excited at the 100m Mark!!!!After the race. Stretching.
Doris- The runspirator!!! Thanks for being there man.
At the end of the day.
42.195 (I)
This has got to be the most eventful December holidays for me. At least till now.
All because of Standard Chartered Marathon 2008. Running your own race.
Only knew I was taking part during the exams when Matthew asked if I wanted to replace him. Attracted by the cheap price, I agreed.
Didn't have much time to train up cos was in the midst of exams. After exams, I am left with one week. No much endurance training could be done at that stage. Also, had alot of concerns over my left knee. Alot of dilemma. Wanted to pull out from the race. But then I told myself... "what the hell, run first, consider later". (probably thats why I get injured all the time. cos I don't seem to know my limits)
I clocked a total of 3runs prior to the race. Two 8km runs and one 2.4Km for IPPT.
and so...............................
7th December 2008-----RACE DAY
Woke up at around 0330hr. Recieved Doris's good luck message. Thank you my friend. Seriously, for all the reminders to take care of my knee, for being supportive and also for being there at the race to capture a great photo for me and my climbing/running buddy.
Did my last bit of carbo loading which consisted of one peanut butter bread, one banana, one fruit bar and one can of red bull.
Then it was off to Esplanade.
The first 21km was fine. Not much of a problem. Thats when Yixiang and I decided to push to 28km. I had problems at around 24-25km mark. Knee gave me abit of problem. But Yixiang pushed me on.
Soon we hit 28km where both of us really cannot make it alr. hAHaha. And came the deep heat rub and all the stretching. Walked to 31km. This was the part that pulled our timing down totally. Then afterwhich we run alternate KM. and eventually we reached back with a fair time of 5hrs 52mins. Would say it is acceptable for me as I was my first time running. I believe that we could have done much better with more training. The fact that we could still sprint from esplanade to the fnishing line indicated that we did not push to our limits. But oh well, fair timing nonetheless.
It is always like this. You set a goal. You reached the goal. And then you say it could have been better. Do you have the same problem as me?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Went for a haircut straight after Pharmacology. Not too bad! Thanks Zhaoxiu for your recommendation on POINTERS.
Then it was off to movie with the Life Science gang. Madagascar 2 was great. Had a super good laugh after afternoon's stressful paper. $6 plus free popcorn! The power of NOW card.
After the movie, the girls randomly decided to go Timbre. Again. haHaa. But it was good. Cos the place wasn't crowded and it was relatively quiet. The acoustic singers were good!
Somehow all the emo songs came out on that night.
Ippt in 4hours time.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
First and Last
The FIRST and the LAST are always the hardest.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Amazing Awake at 4am
The power of Red bull man. Totally.
I am like wide awake.
At around 23oam, I was like getting distracted. So i picked up my phone. 6911987.
987fm. PillowFight with Soo.
Amazingly, I got through. And we did random talking. hAHha. And I chose a nice song for the quiet night. I will follow you into the dark.
Alot of things to do after exams. Let me list them down.
- Change USD to pass to sis
- Collect stuff from US from sister's friend
- Be nice and send some stuff to her friend
- IPPT on wednesday and possibly mambo at night with YX and gang?
- Possible Timbre with Emo gang on saturday
- MARATHON on sunday.
- and many many more.... oh ya.......... Malaysia trip and all the present hunting.
AND NOT FORGETTING GET A LONG OVERDUE HAIRCUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Me. Myself and I. Through this
The doctor says that he don't see anything seriously wrong with my knee.
No major tenderness.
No swelling.
No nothing.
He suspects that it is a loose patella (knee cap) that is causing all these locking. Hmm. Somehow I think that there is more than that.
Directed me to the physio. Did all the deep tissue massage and ultrasound. Then taped up my knee. Said the usual stuff that a physio would say.
Next review is end of Jan. Two months from now. If it persists, I will be directed to a MRI scan. Crap.
Hmm. Just went for a run. Tried the park connectors.. Quite shiok. Alot of things to see. Different running routes are always the best. Something to look forward to as you run.
And the best part is... You don't know where you are heading exactly. So I decide as I run. haha. The tape held on quite well too...
4more days planet. Hang in there man.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Was watching a travelling show... They visited Elvis's hometown and introduced his memorial site. Amazing how after so many years, so many people still adore him....
He passed away at the age of 42.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Fiddling around and try to stand up one legged from a sitting position.
Crap. My left knee feels busted.
For those of you who haven knew, my left knee has been giving me alot of problem since army.
It seems to be aggravating. Fast... and bad....
I cant do sit ins........ I cant sit cross legged. I cant do butterflies.
What should I do now........................................................................................
Should I wait till it is totally busted then see a doctor?
Should I go consult a doctor ASAP?
I have alot of concerns....
1. Money and cost
2. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO MY CLIMBING FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MAN..... i just cant bring myself to think about it.........
3. How long will it take to heal?
4. Any other implications?
AH....................................................................... I just cant bring myself to think what will happen if i go for a surgery. Oh man.......
I am not a person who will sit down... I must run. I must move around......................................
please...heal me.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Pill Box with 8 compartments.
I was trying out yesterday. Alot more functions as compared to Blogger. Interface applies to me more too. Guess I will make a shift after exams. Will update on my new address then. Hmm.........
Went to try out Oakleys today again. I am still very confused over which I want. Asian Fit vs Normal. White vs Polished Rootbeer. Help.
Hmm............... super...........................................=/
Seasons are changing...
Waves are crashing...
Stars are falling all for us...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Of lunch box, strawberry candles and one sweet.
Totally unprepared. Mind wandering off once in awhile. Distracted by this this this... and that that that.
24th Nov- Developmental Biology (50% done)
25th Nov- Human Physiology (51% done)
26th Nov- Reporting Statistics in Media ( 000000000% done)
2nd Dec- Fundamental Pharmacology (10% done)
This is my progress. GG. Going to condemn myself at home for 10days. Self confinement.
My already long hair will grow longer and messier. Don't care. Chapter 2 after exams? Zhaoxiu say she go with me. HaHa. new style?
Matthew ca't make it for 42km Standard Chartered marathon. I will be running on his behalf. Paying him of course. Never really train, but heck it. Shall see how far I can go. Quite excited about it. Cos it is my first marathon. And probably the last. ahAHah. HMmm..
but got night cycling organised by team on that very night. How to cycle after marathon man.... Hmm... dilemma...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Give me wings
Shall see how late I can last through the night.
Hmm... one more week to exams.
Working at CA straight after exams. Earn some cash to cover for Malaysia trip
Not forgetting Christmas Presents...
Such coincidence.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I want This, This, This and That.
Reached Climber's Lab.. Climbed a few routes then shagged out. Totally cant sustain on the wall today.
Not forgetting my left wrist's condition seems to be getting worse. Oh crap.
I feel totally spent. I feel totally rejected sometimes when I see the wall. Hmm... how do i put it.
People may say it is just not my day. But it seems like every climbing day is not my day. I need to get back the fuel and the drive in me.
Right now. I am feeling totally like this tile.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Challenge =)
Went Changi village with JsPan for Ayam penyet! At first shared one serving with Youjie. But then it was too good to share. So we bought another one.
Then it was back to my house to watch second half of Man Utd vs Hull city. Exciting match. hahHA. It is always nice to wtch soccer with your friends and shout and curse together. haHAha!
As usual, Jenny slept first, leaving Youjie and I attempting HTHT but failed. haHah. too tired la....
Woke up at 630am. Left house at 7am. Caught the 730am Shuttle. Reached at 745am. BUT... got my scorecard and singlet at 915. Seriously.
CA HAS TO DO SOMETHING WITH REGARDS TO THEIR REGISTRATION SYSTEM. sorry. but i seriously have low tolerance for inefficiency.
Other than that issue, Climb on! 2008 was ok. Routes were tough and the points system wasn't very accurate. Felt so stupid flashing a 2850points route, and only getting bonus for a 950 route. Hmm... Maybe its just me la. yeah.
I managed a total of 34705 points. Jensen managed 41180. K la. you win lo...... =( This Jenny is always rubbing salt on my wound la! HaHaha. Friendly competition.... soon he will have his fan club... I am jealous man. Hahaa..
Team BROTHERHOOD OF DEFORMED JOINTS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are 5th and mission accomplished! yeah! could have been better if it wasn't for my stupid flash pump at the start and laziness. Sorry guys! =)
oH... i received BOOST in the morning too! Yum YuM! my favourtie chocolate! =))) thanks man! although the choc was in a molten state at the end of the day, it was very much appreciated. BOOST is currently in the fridge, waiting to be eaten by me soon. Shiok.
Lastly, I am not kidding. My fingers are cramping up every 5mins. Like muscle spasms. Help...
Back to Zebrafish and Ex convicts for now. Hell week ahead....
hope the swelling has gone down.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Zebrafish and ex convicts.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Food for the planet.
Going to start my revision now. It is so hard to get my engine starting especially with so much on mind... Assignments.... Climbing....that.... and many more...
Just two random photos...
Skittles in the shoebag =) yAY!
There is this thing within me. Just like love actually.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Spend it.
Went Post office to buy a stamp.
Then it was off to collect my dragons and I got a packet of Skittles. =)
Self climbed for an hour. Self set a few routes. My right shoulder (the injured one) feels weak these few days. There is this pain right across my right chest near the shoulder where I once torn my muscles.
hmm.. Its quite worrying. But I guessed it should be fine after some rest. Then again, I hardly rest. Hopefully it is just a strain and not a sign....
Anyhow, bumped into Matt and Farah in the train on my way home! Just a coincidence. As usual, we talked about Climbing.. Matt is psyched up about Climb on! Good for you matt! glad that you are getting back into the sport man! Long time since I hear that you are psyched. haHaa!
All the best for Team BRotherhood of Deformed Joints. I know we will do well. Star starred team sia. Got crash matt, Got Jenny and got JACkIE!!!
Alritey. I went Tampines mall to get my Giordano berms before heading home. One pair for $39. I couldn't choose between grey or black. The salesgirl said take both cos there will be 30% discount for purchase above $60.
Left $10 in wallet. haha.
I said ok. Damn.. But.. Good fitting berms.. I like... Next I headed over to Levis cos they are having this promotion whereby you trade in your old jeans (any brand) and get $50 off any jeans above $100. I went to try on a couple. Quite like this particular dark blue jeans (not faded denim kind). I think it is a new fit. Levis 522-Slim cut. Quite nice. Think I will get it tmr after training.. =) hopefully there are still sizes available.
Training tmr... At CA. Shiok. =) Looking forward to it. Going to try overcome my lead climbing barrier. Give me 1X BIG BIG lead fall..
one step taken
ok. Climbaprix 2008. Finished 7th out of 52. Could have been so so much better. Seriously do-able routes. If only.....oh well. Something someone said really made me wanna train harder. For a brief moment, I felt so weak. Ok.
some photos.
Overall, CLimbaprix 2008 was great. Great routes and great companion. I am sure the team had alot of fun. Especially the juniors. If you boys and girls are reading this...WELL done! =) You guys did just fine man!
After the whole event, Jud gave us a lift to the east. Dropped Farah and Ely. Matthew, Jud, Zhaoxiu and I went downtown east for supper at BK. haHAa. Zhaoxiu got rejected by Cup walker auntie thou. haHaa. Supper was fun la! all the "I dare you for 50cents" moments. And all the cam whoring. haHaa.. Matthew is the pro in taking these photos man.
I think we hung around until 12plus if i am not wrong. Great climb, great companion, great time, great supper, great friends = great 18th October.
I am inspired to climb harder now. Suddenly it seems do-able again. just like when i was in intermediate. Hmm.. i can feel myself peaking. Damn. Too early to peak la.... Slow down please!!
ok. Fast forward to thursday..
Free day still got to go school for open lab man... Then i Went shopping alone yesterday afternoon after climbing alone in school Set a route for myself in the gym. Spanned and dicey. Shiok. Projecting it. Shopping alone is quite fun.. bought some fried chicken. Walked around while eating, looking at Levis jeans. Lookeed at Giordano Berms. SO tempting la! my mind is set. BUY. hahaha.
Lets have a good weekend yeah?? Exciting weekend.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Monday's training was a little frustrating. Reminds me of JC daze when I will get upset when I couldn't do some routes given by coach. Brings back the old memories....
I felt damn guilty for venting my anger on the wall la...
Anyhow....Training on Wednesday was better. Took the novices for training. Improving quite fast I would say! I did intermediate mock competition routes for boulder circuit. Almost died. In the end, I added random footholds along the way. But I felt shagged. Which is good...
Trained till 10pm after doing random flash comp routes. Damn creative routes... =)
Candid shot
Then it was off to FongSeng for supper with the juniors - Daryl, Jud, Lala, Ely, Rachel, Shuhui and Siying. Long time since I go supper with team mates after training. Feel so left out la! the halls and OKR people always go for supper. hHaha. After supper, it was 2345hrs. Decided to cab home with the Easties...
and to you, if you are reading my blog, this is the chain I have been wearing... my favourite Karabiner on my chain.. =)Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sports Award 2008
The food wasn't as impressive as last year too. But the important thing was having the company of the team, the crazy photo takings and the lorry ride.
Let the photos do the talking yeah?
Waiting for my turn up the stage
My batch of climbers!
Me and my mortal. =)
Me and Rahayu
Climb! On Team 2008. No Pain No gain
Zhaoxiu and Felicia
After the awards, it was a mad rush to send my sister off. She will be in States for half a year. Yup. Will miss her.
After sending her off, I headed to Changi Village to meet Zhaoxiu, Kenneth and Bertrand for supper. We had so so dim sum!
The uncle who took this photo for us thought that I am a foreigner la.
Not too bad la...
Finally home after a long tiring day.........
My lovely Square tie! and my award( I love my tie man)
Basically I like to wear formal... Cos it makes me look smart and neat. And i seldom wear formal. =) hahAH..
Such a long post...It had been a very happy day seriously...Long time since I feel so happy =)
Mock competition
My prediction for Open Men was either Haroz or Jensen clinching first place and second place. I was targetting a close 3rd placing for myself. My prediction was right. Jensen 1st, Harzo 2nd, Planet 3rd.
Was quite pleased with my performance. Surprising that I can sustain all 4 routes. Route one was horrible. Route two was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo do-able. Damn it... Just a little span...hMm.. I Love ROUTE 3. The sequence is so nice. The movement was swift. Dynamic and technical toes hook to the side wall. Pumpy ending. Shiok. Route 4 was surprisingly easier than route 2. Very do-able too.
Overall, i was pleased with my results...Not too bad la.. At least I feel that I am maintaining.. =)
Really pleased even though the competition field is not wide enough. Thanks to those who supported me during my climb.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Hmm.. I realised a change in my climbing style recently. Usually when people give me hard routes, i would try a few times then change to a new route.
Recently, it is slightly different. I will just keep trying the route until I feel that it is impossible. Hmm.. At times, I will be a little frustrated that I can't stick a particular move too... It is frustrating. The moves are just soooooo do-able. you know what i mean? But Edwin is just unable to do it right. Hmm.... maybe i am pushing myself more these days....
Also, I am open to all span biased routes these days. I realised that there is no point complaining. Just got to deal with it and force my body to adapt to the long man route. People span for it.. I will do it dynamically and stick it.
With all the competitions coming up, I am quite psyched. Psyched to see where i stand and what i should do.
seriously, Climbing has made me a more focused person.
Friday- Saturday
Forced youjie to knock off early and we went for dinner at Holland V. Yixiang and Zhaoxiu joined us as well. 4 of us in total. Just nice for mahjong. hAHaa. Nah.. Had NYDC's baked rice- which tasted quite bad. Then we went Sunset Tavern for a drink. The usual HTHT. Dug up some dark secrets. Youjie was supposed to tell us about his work problems.. But in the end, I was the one talking. Started bringing back the past issues when I was Captain. Whether things could have been better managed. Hmm...... oh well..... No point... At least now I know got people appreciate.
Came back to Yixiang's room and spent the night there.Slept at around 3am. Thanks Zhaoxiu for your multi-purpose mattress. It's amazing how her mattress can be a blanket and pillow at the same time. =) yEah. Wanted to stay up later for something, but I guess i was too tired....
Woke up at 830. Went to swim 10laps ordered by Jups. Wow. Edwin can swim 10laps la. It is the longest distance I have swam since army. Seriously. Climbing after swim is a total different experience. Especially when you have to do 7endurance routes. Not bad.. Quite a productive training. At least I felt that I have worked it out. OH... and not forgetting...I saw the biggest lead fall in the gym today. Good belaying I would say. But maybe it was just lucky. Hmm.. Really worried that the climber would have injured herself.. as i have seen many injuries from these kind of falls man. Hmm.. But i must agree with you that falling can be quite fun! the adrenaline Rush.. Shiok.... Just be careful yeah? Climb safe cos when we go natural, things would be very different.... =)
It was then lunch at Arts. Didn't really feel very well. Must have been the spicy baked rice and the Erdinger combination the night before. Felt like a stomach flu.. But luckily it's getting better now! I think I have the bad habit of skipping meals.... Hmm.. my parents are complaining that i am getting skinnier...
After lunch, we had a nice ride at the back of Kenneth's Lorry. He sent me all the way home! wHeee! tHanks man! Had a great time talking rubbish at the back of the lorry. hAHahA...=)
i still have alot of reports to write. Ikea ice cream...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Just finished talking online. wow... it feels great to really pour everything out to someone who is willing to listen from a neutral point of view. Seriously...
I am listening to emo songs as I write this post...
I have simple dreams....
To enjoy adventures with someone special.
To scale a mountain with someone special.
To go bagpacking for years with someone special.
To enjoy climbing with someone special.
To run marathon with someone special.
Basically i think it would be simply nice to do these things with someone special and push each other on in life. Motivating each other and encouraging each other.
Seriously. Don't you think it will be damn cool to go climb a mountain with your special one? To go bagpacking with her, not having a fixed destination? And imagine running a race with her. Running alongside each other... i love a simple life..... little money? no problem... no car? no problem... As long as we do things we like to do together.... Simple things like blading at night, enjoying the breeze.... hM.................................................
Like what you will say if you are reading this.... AwWwwwWwwWWw...........

Thats all for now..........