Hmm... Einstein test was quite a killer. But... I shall believe in the power of moderation. =) Usually my CAP will drop during Sem 2. Seems like it is going to head towards the same fate again for this sem.
Lets see.. Time passed so quickly that I cant seem to remember what I did the past few days....
Lets see.. Time passed so quickly that I cant seem to remember what I did the past few days....
Last friday was spent with Zhaoxiu, Yixiang (BF =best friend, not boyfriend), Shaoting, HH and JH at island creamery, Keppel Island and Henderson Waves. Random photos. A few of the nicer photos.

Spent the night at Yixiang's. First time I slept so well at his place man. Thanks to Zx for her spare blanket and the mattress and the cannot make it pillow. muahaha.
Saturday was mock comp day. Shall not talk too much about it. Hmm. The usual la.... you know what I mean. Hmm. kind of used to it. Yeah. Quoting what Jups said... "Don't forget to have fun while climbing." Somehow, I seem to forget the fun element in climbing. Getting tired... Hmm.....
Oh and saturday was yixiang's birthday. Zhaoxiu, BF and myself spent the saturday night at Changi village. Ayam Penyet + $1 ice cream by the sea, watching the planes flew past above our heads. Qantas has the fattest fuselage ( pronounced as FHUGE SER LARGE or somewhere along that line). AND it is the loudest. haHaha. just in time to wish my buddy Happy 24th. Bark Cafe is quite a nice place to chill out.
Sunday...... What did we do........ Sentosa. Rain. Shopping. Mahjong. Supper @ Simpang.
Sunday...... What did we do........ Sentosa. Rain. Shopping. Mahjong. Supper @ Simpang.

Lady Luck
That's all for now man... Tired.