Its time for me to blog again.
After much consideration, I have decided to make a major shift. As some of you might have already known, I am applying for a scholarship given by SGH. It is for MASTERS in physiotherapy (entry level). It involves a 2 yearss study in Australia, followed by a 4yrs bond with SGH.
Definitely a big major shift for me (as quoted by my prof). I am not sure if I am able to put everything down in pursue of what I have been wanting. I just hope that if i do get it, the 2years will flash by quickly.
I hope that things do not change back in Singapore (though I know it will be hard)
I hope that my friends and clique are still together when I am back if I were to go for the scholarship.
I am in a dilemma right now. Lets just try applying and see how it goes from there. Two years overseas seems long... But it is not too long either... Hmm..