Managed to find a time to update. Alot have happened. My closer friends would know. Thanks for all the concerns and well wishes.
This has got to be the most eventful December holidays for me. At least till now.
All because of Standard Chartered Marathon 2008. Running your own race.
Only knew I was taking part during the exams when Matthew asked if I wanted to replace him. Attracted by the cheap price, I agreed.
Didn't have much time to train up cos was in the midst of exams. After exams, I am left with one week. No much endurance training could be done at that stage. Also, had alot of concerns over my left knee. Alot of dilemma. Wanted to pull out from the race. But then I told myself... "what the hell, run first, consider later".
(probably thats why I get injured all the time. cos I don't seem to know my limits)
I clocked a total of 3runs prior to the race. Two 8km runs and one 2.4Km for IPPT.
and so...............................
7th December 2008-----RACE DAYWoke up at around 0330hr. Recieved Doris's good luck message. Thank you my friend. Seriously, for all the reminders to take care of my knee, for being supportive and also for being there at the race to capture a great photo for me and my climbing/running buddy.
Did my last bit of carbo loading which consisted of one peanut butter bread, one banana, one fruit bar and one can of red bull.
Then it was off to Esplanade.
The first 21km was fine. Not much of a problem. Thats when Yixiang and I decided to push to 28km. I had problems at around 24-25km mark. Knee gave me abit of problem. But Yixiang pushed me on.
Soon we hit 28km where both of us really cannot make it alr. hAHaha. And came the deep heat rub and all the stretching. Walked to 31km. This was the part that pulled our timing down totally. Then afterwhich we run alternate KM. and eventually we reached back with a fair time of 5hrs 52mins. Would say it is acceptable for me as I was my first time running. I believe that we could have done much better with more training. The fact that we could still sprint from esplanade to the fnishing line indicated that we did not push to our limits. But oh well, fair timing nonetheless.
It is always like this. You set a goal. You reached the goal. And then you say it could have been better. Do you have the same problem as me?