Let's see... This semester's exams seem to be gone in a flash. Never really mug alot. But somehow the time just passed Fuper FFast. So... how were the papers...
- LSM 3213 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology - Hopefully the 60% paper will be able to pull up my under par CA. Should be ok.
- SC1101E Making NO sense of Society- Gone. GG
- LSM 3251- Ecology and Environmental Processes - Should be fine. 40% paper. 30MCQs and 2 essays. Should be ok.
So... now I am on left with 7days and a paper. LSM 3221- Human Pharmacology. Need to score this man. Otherwise... My Cap.......Fdropped.
Hmm.. All the late nights... Lead to a damaged face. damn it.. stupid yixiong saw me and was like as if I am disfigured la.... I need help. Like can some pro girls bring me go see some skin consultant. like seriously.
Ok. And today I went climbing. IT WAS LIKE FACKED! LIKE SERIOUSLY PACKED. all the jc kids. oh well. Michelle's first climb after numerous years. But I wasn't a good host la... too engrossed with my own climbing and Matthew's nice routes. haHaa. All the studying really brought down my climbing a little. The technique and stuff still there.. but the stamina ah.. oh my. I kinda exerted too fast too furious? And i felt like puking. Maybe overcrowding led to low oxygen level....hMm... Hopefully will be in time for Pumpfest.... 16th MAY! ; )
and..... I saw this nice pair of climbing pants.......Dragon Climber. I like. It's those kind convertible between berms and pants. Cool stuff. Hai. no money. The pants will be handy for europe's grad trip... Which brings me to the next point....
Saw Kelly Khiew at CA. So was just talking to her.. Then I decided to ask her about her trip to Europe in preparation for my own trip next year ( I know its still some time away.. But its always good to look forward to something). So she was telling me about accomodations and stuff in SPAIN. SO looking forward to it. Yixiang and I need some YING spirit. If you are eligible to join us (like Zhaoxiu) please apply via godspeed07@gmail.com or vitaminx75@hotmail.com. Thanks!
We are being ambitious. 2months max- SPAIN, ITALY, FRANCE and UK.
Ok... I talked alot for one post. Could have been more. But I summarized quite abit.
Some random pictures....

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