Its time for me to blog again.
After much consideration, I have decided to make a major shift. As some of you might have already known, I am applying for a scholarship given by SGH. It is for MASTERS in physiotherapy (entry level). It involves a 2 yearss study in Australia, followed by a 4yrs bond with SGH.
Definitely a big major shift for me (as quoted by my prof). I am not sure if I am able to put everything down in pursue of what I have been wanting. I just hope that if i do get it, the 2years will flash by quickly.
I hope that things do not change back in Singapore (though I know it will be hard)
I hope that my friends and clique are still together when I am back if I were to go for the scholarship.
I am in a dilemma right now. Lets just try applying and see how it goes from there. Two years overseas seems long... But it is not too long either... Hmm..
just do it. what is 2 years if you are sure this is what you want. its just two years. i've been working for half a year now. doesnt even feel like it
go for it edwin! 2 years pass by how fast? the longest 2years u will ever spend is during army days lah. haha. i won't forget your free treatment when u graduate!
go for it.
@MICH: Hey... Yup. Thanks for the advise! Just worried that I not used to the change in environment. hahA.
@CHUAN: Hmmm.... True la! army 2years was quite slow. hahaha. And I will give u free treatment if i really take up the course.
@RX: haHaha! short and sharp advise eh? =) thanKS
Thanks for all the support guys.
adventures are out there.
2 years in exchange for a LIFETIME of meaningful work (if doing what u love is even counted as work). dreams and the opportunities to fulfill them dont come by easy.
the world is waiting for captain planet to rise up and be a hero =D
Yay!! Which part of Aussie u going?
Next year can jio u do some climbing boldering there!!
Haha. So happy for me.
But I bet you'll enjoy your life there.
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